I was wondering how this pertained to economic & business news but then I came to this "Which brings us to perhaps the biggest thrust behind the DSM revisions: the drug companies. Pharmaceutical companies stand to gain a lot for having virtually every person categorized as mentally ill and in need of drugs." and then I knew.
This smells of the old USSR's "psychiatric" hospitals.
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All you need to do is count the amount of commercials during whichever show you may watch that pertain to"DRUGS", oh I'm sorry Pharmaceuticals. Seems to me this is a well orchestrated system designed to stress you out and offer a remedy in the same breath.
My biggest concern is that this scam of a system seems to work in convincing folk's that there is "something wrong" with them or their children.
Doctors for the most part have also lost my faith as a noble profession. While I give a fair opportunity to prove me wrong to any I may encounter. Their ability to diagnose has faded over the years and many simply take the so called symptoms from their scripted questions and plug them into a computer program. Leaving out a Doctors so called intuition based upon experience.
Medicine and conditions and big health care are only available as a control mechanism. A ruse to underlie the human spirit and cause dependency among those with an agenda.
This is not every Doctor or situation as some folks need medical care. But this trend to "categorize and classify" each individual in America seems obvious to me as a deceptive measure.
A way to soon hold the populations DNA on record. If this is the case I would ask, WHY?
Is it for our health and well being? Doubt It
I believe that in this case Money provided to the manufacturers comes in second place to Control granted the policy makers.
"It is the nature of the human species to reject what is true but unpleasant and to embrace what is obviously false but comforting"
" The average man doesn't want to be free. He wants to be safe."
quote:Medicine and conditions and big health care are only available as a control mechanism. A ruse to underlie the human spirit and cause dependency among those with an agenda.
God bless you brother. That was the TRUTH.
The silver [is] mine, and the gold [is] mine, saith the LORD of hosts. Hag 2:8 [/b] He created it. He controls it. He gave it to us for His use. Why did we turn from sound scriptural currency that PROTECTS us?
Lol, if independent thinking makes you crazy, I guess Realcent IS the funny farm. No wonder I feel so at home here!
I'd rather be any type of man, crazy or not, than a non thinking sheep, any day.
The silver [is] mine, and the gold [is] mine, saith the LORD of hosts. Hag 2:8 [/b] He created it. He controls it. He gave it to us for His use. Why did we turn from sound scriptural currency that PROTECTS us?