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1000+ Penny Miser Member

2408 Posts

Posted - 05/14/2010 :  20:42:21  Show Profile Send beauanderos a Private Message
You must be logged in to see this link. Do you own enough gold? Or silver?

Hoard now and hold on!

Penny Hoarding Member

572 Posts

Posted - 05/15/2010 :  08:40:53  Show Profile Send cptindy a Private Message
Well, that brings to mind another question.

How much is enough?

There is no doubt in my mind that gold will reach $5,000, personally I feel it will be double that figure and probably double even that figure and reach a $20,000 plus number.

What better way to divide the have and have nots with one last blow and make unattainable the possibility to obtain true wealth and stability.

Let us put aside the "how is that possible" question for now and assume it to be a reality that 10 years from now gold will be $20,000 and Silver @ $1,0000 an oz.

If this is the result of the market, what are your expectations of the metal?

What will be the purpose in which your present hoard should deliver?

In other words what are you going to use the savings for?

Is it to buy a house? Pay off debt accumulated along the way? Invest in a business? Spend your retirement care free?

Each individual has unique needs and desires, I am of the mindset "in for a penny in for a pound". Truly I believe that this will be the result and am accumulating according to my desires and needs. It is not my only mode of delivery to retirement but is my now savings account that if the only result is keeping up with inflation I'm good.That's a worst case scenario in my opinion.

Here is a basic premise of saving PM's instead of FRN's and preparing for a ten year journey.

All accumulated savings is now invested into bullion

10% of monthly net earnings buys bullion each and every month

When the price dips, if possible buy more than 10%

When the price jumps still buy 10%

Sort pennies to use as cash if TSHTF, a ton of copper will go a long way.

Pay off bullsh*t interest charging accounts, reduce expenses and focus on a cash based lifestyle.

Begin a garden and learn how to store food, whether that be canning, dehydrating or simply stocking the shelves or
all of the above

Educate yourself as to the future marketplace and react accordingly, prepare to be effective and prosperous for the future.

Strive to have on hand one year worth of resources or the combination of skill and resource to survive a major economic "shock".
This alone will be the difference between success in the future or a burden on someone else.

These are but a few concepts to think about. But if your gut tells you something is awry then "listen" to yourself. At the very least you will be a stronger unit and have at your ready an arsenal of protection.

Metal alone will not be the salvation, as circumstance can lead to unloading your PM's at the wrong time just to keep up with the "economic shock".

1,000 oz of silver = $1,000,000 is that enough?

Only you know the answer...

Edited this in...

In my opinion we have two years before silver gets to $100.00 per oz after that it will take off and never look back...

Good Luck my friends

"It is the nature of the human species to reject what is true but unpleasant and to embrace what is obviously false but comforting"

" The average man doesn't want to be free. He wants to be safe."

H.L. Mencken

Edited by - cptindy on 05/15/2010 08:45:05
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1000+ Penny Miser Member

2408 Posts

Posted - 05/15/2010 :  12:49:11  Show Profile Send beauanderos a Private Message
One of the things I've mused about regards the "how much is enough" question. What is the purpose of the wealth we attempt to accumulate? Once you have "enough" to provide security and sufficient for basic needs for the rest of your lives you might consider this. Very few people understand what we do, and the vast majority are not prepared in any fashion for the economic upheaval that will happen soon. If you are wealthy... are you just going to let those close to you who didn't prepare suffer? Probably not... which means that you have to save enough metals for yourself as well as your wider circle of people you care for. So there probably is not an answer to "enough." You will use whatever you've managed to set aside when the time comes that you need it. JMHO

Hoard now and hold on!
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Penny Hoarding Member

572 Posts

Posted - 05/15/2010 :  14:44:38  Show Profile Send cptindy a Private Message
I never turn a cold shoulder but in contrast will not help anyone that refuses to help themselves as experience has taught me those that care so little of themselves care even less for you. The result being the destruction of all parties and matters involved.

My point in the initial posting is that metal has to have a purpose. Each individual will be the deciding factor as to its use. Or, circumstance will decide and the efforts made to hoard will have a minimal return. If not balanced with other vital necessity, the monetary gains will not counter act an unprepared individual.

$8.00 per gallon gas and $10.00 milk is right around the corner. If one is stuck making payments on the newest vehicle your in trouble. Not to mention all the new taxes being created. (carbon tax) If you are still buying sh*t you truly do not need on credit you're screwed!

My theory is enough is what you plan for in advance. There is never enough when you have no plan as time and circumstance will dictate.

"It is the nature of the human species to reject what is true but unpleasant and to embrace what is obviously false but comforting"

" The average man doesn't want to be free. He wants to be safe."

H.L. Mencken
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1000+ Penny Miser Member

2408 Posts

Posted - 05/15/2010 :  16:07:16  Show Profile Send beauanderos a Private Message
I agree I don't want to help others who refuse to help themselves, either. What I meant to say is that there are well-intentioned hard-working folks out there who are friends and family, but who are clueless when it comes to preps and the approaching economic apocalypse. Part of my contingency planning makes concessions that I'll probably need to share (not on a wide basis though... and the sharees better bring skills or something else of value to the table). I think the majority of members who post here are ahead of the curve on this subject... or we wouldn't be hoarders in the first place

Hoard now and hold on!
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