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Copper Catcher

2092 Posts

Posted - 05/04/2010 :  10:53:17  Show Profile Send Copper Catcher a Private Message
What are your predictions for the year 2013

Platinum per ounce?

Gold per ounce?

Silver per ounce?

Copper per pound?

Will the US penny still be in use?

Will the United States be a socialist nation?

Penny Collector Member

315 Posts

Posted - 05/04/2010 :  14:34:25  Show Profile  Send brian0918 an AOL message Send brian0918 a Private Message
Gold per ounce: somewhere between $50 and $10,000, depending on the day of the week.
Gold to silver ratio: somewhere between 1:2 and 80:1, depending on the hour of day.

Seriously, I think with all the government manipulation of the markets, it's going to be impossible to predict these prices in the short-term, although eventually (after many epic govt failures) the prices will surely go up. Will it be in 5 years or 50? Who knows... maybe when the govt runs out of people to leech off... but there's a whole world out there.

"The man who speaks to you of sacrifice, speaks of slaves and masters. And intends to be the master." -- Ayn Rand

Searched: $2230 Nickels; Liberty: 1; Buffalo: 4; War: 20; 2009: 2; 2010D: 8

Edited by - brian0918 on 05/04/2010 14:41:34
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1000+ Penny Miser Member

1720 Posts

Posted - 05/04/2010 :  14:46:47  Show Profile Send PennySaved a Private Message
I thought the world was ending in 2012 :-)

SELLING COPPER PENNIES 1.4X FACE SHIPPED......“I sincerely believe that banking establishments are more dangerous than standing armies, and that the principles of spending money to be paid by posterity, under the name of funding, is but swindling futurity on a large scale” Thomas Jefferson
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1000+ Penny Miser Member

1964 Posts

Posted - 05/05/2010 :  12:41:19  Show Profile Send Bluegill a Private Message
Trying to give a prediction to metal prices in 3 years is pure guessing. As for whether we will become a socialist nation.., well, we already are and have been.

Read the Communist manifesto, then read the Constitution. Then look and see which one this nation follows to the letter.

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Lemon Thrower
1000+ Penny Miser Member

1588 Posts

Posted - 05/05/2010 :  13:21:40  Show Profile Send Lemon Thrower a Private Message
hard to argue with brian or bluegill.

Peace/Morgan G+ at $15.00
copper cents at 1.3X
wheat pennies at 3X

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Investin Cents
Penny Pincher Member

129 Posts

Posted - 05/05/2010 :  14:02:20  Show Profile Send Investin Cents a Private Message
"when the govt runs out of people to leech off..."

funny. And I thought it was the other way around, from Wall Street Execs to my relatives, plenty of leeches to go around, and plenty of hosts! Always have been, always will be.

Just try not to be one or the other!!!

Most recent book I've read: "Meltdown" by Thomas E. Woods Jr. Current book: "I.O.U.: Why Everyone Owes Everyone & No One Can Pay" by John Lanchester
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Lemon Thrower
1000+ Penny Miser Member

1588 Posts

Posted - 05/06/2010 :  10:56:02  Show Profile Send Lemon Thrower a Private Message
Originally posted by Investin Cents

"when the govt runs out of people to leech off..."

funny. And I thought it was the other way around, from Wall Street Execs to my relatives, plenty of leeches to go around, and plenty of hosts! Always have been, always will be.

Just try not to be one or the other!!!

no, that is an illusion the leech creates.

as for predictions, i think we see another wave down in home prices by end of this year. prob another 20%. more foreclosure, more bank failures, esp. in EU.

over the next 12 mos, maybe much sooner, we'll see more greek like problems in some PIIGS countreis. could see something extraodinary, such as weak countries being kicked out or more likley strong countries leaving the EU currency. TPTB will try to retain EU as a single country even if stronger countries leave the currency union.

i think the stock market will come down 25% and PM's go up 25% by end of year.

by 2013 gold might be $3000 or more and silver 1-50th of that - $60.

inflation in the US is going to be in teh double digits.

Peace/Morgan G+ at $15.00
copper cents at 1.3X
wheat pennies at 3X

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Investin Cents
Penny Pincher Member

129 Posts

Posted - 05/06/2010 :  23:32:52  Show Profile Send Investin Cents a Private Message
So, the US Government did not give the leeches money with the bailouts, huh? As in GM, GS, JP Morgan, etc. And every corporation who receives millions in government welfare? Actually, then, those entities leeched off of you, and me and every other U.S. citizen - and guess who let the government do it - us, the voters. So we let ourselves be a host. Who is more foolish? The "leech" or the person who lets themselves be a "host"?

Hard to predict the future. Prices of PM's should go up, so will oil, gas, food. The debt can rise for some time though before people, governments and businesses collapse though. This could last a while - only the strong will survive.

Most recent book I've read: "Meltdown" by Thomas E. Woods Jr. Current book: "I.O.U.: Why Everyone Owes Everyone & No One Can Pay" by John Lanchester
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Lemon Thrower
1000+ Penny Miser Member

1588 Posts

Posted - 05/07/2010 :  06:32:50  Show Profile Send Lemon Thrower a Private Message
i don't disagree that there are people who leech of govt.

but don't miss the bigger point that govt is the biggest leach of all. govt produces nothing of value. anything they do produce could be done better and more efficiently by private actors.

Peace/Morgan G+ at $15.00
copper cents at 1.3X
wheat pennies at 3X

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Investin Cents
Penny Pincher Member

129 Posts

Posted - 05/07/2010 :  22:09:24  Show Profile Send Investin Cents a Private Message
Perhaps, but I don't know - I'd say having a standing Army or Navy or Air Force is a good thing of value. Plus many other things. That's one point many folks just miss and take for granted. All the "intangibles" that government does do - the Military, food inspection, law enforcement, air and water pollution controls, child labor laws, etc. Yes, you can pooh-pooh the results lately, but go back over 100 years and see stories of raw sewage in the streets, the Wild West with bandits running wild, poisoned or bad food, etc. The "good" old days were not so good!

Government does have a place - and it costs money. Too many people want to be "free-loaders" and don't think it costs anything to keep us safe and secure. Trust me - it can get worse - MUCH worse if we don't have a government. And you think free-enterprise will do it??? No. Not if they can make a buck - they don't care if some people die or get diseased, etc. Long as they don't get caught - they don't care. They only care after they get caught. Many, many examples of that.

Governments may be inept or mismanaged, but they don't have profit motives in mind. They don't purposely cut corners for a dollar in their pockets.

Most recent book I've read: "Meltdown" by Thomas E. Woods Jr. Current book: "I.O.U.: Why Everyone Owes Everyone & No One Can Pay" by John Lanchester
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Lemon Thrower
1000+ Penny Miser Member

1588 Posts

Posted - 05/08/2010 :  05:30:20  Show Profile Send Lemon Thrower a Private Message
food inspection - private enterprise could do this better, cheaper, and without the force of a gun to you head. have you ever heard of Underwriters Laboratories (UL - listed products).

anyway, why don't you offer your predictions for 2013.

Peace/Morgan G+ at $15.00
copper cents at 1.3X
wheat pennies at 3X

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1000+ Penny Miser Member

2408 Posts

Posted - 05/11/2010 :  21:18:20  Show Profile Send beauanderos a Private Message
my predictions... Gold $4000, Silver $300, no more pennies... they disappeared at fifteen cents apiece but remember... it's not so much metals going up... it's the dollar coming down

Hoard now and hold on!

Edited by - beauanderos on 05/11/2010 21:19:51
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Lemon Thrower
1000+ Penny Miser Member

1588 Posts

Posted - 05/12/2010 :  05:21:03  Show Profile Send Lemon Thrower a Private Message
Originally posted by beauanderos

my predictions... Gold $4000, Silver $300, no more pennies... they disappeared at fifteen cents apiece but remember... it's not so much metals going up... it's the dollar coming down

interesting ratio of gold to silver. what do you think will be the cause for the compression in the ratio? its currently about 65 to 1, and your prediction is about 13.3 to 1.

Peace/Morgan G+ at $15.00
copper cents at 1.3X
wheat pennies at 3X

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1000+ Penny Miser Member

2408 Posts

Posted - 05/12/2010 :  17:16:09  Show Profile Send beauanderos a Private Message
above ground stores of silver are already five times smaller than gold. As new applications increase this dwindling supply will quickly disappear until pricing mechanisms assert themselves to assure a continued supply, albeit at much higher prices. The CRIMEX boys will someday fail to suppress silver at that point and the shorts having to cover will send prices heavenward. I seriously will not consider selling bullion until at least $200 an ounce. Imagine how you would feel if you took a quick profit at $50 or $70, only to watch it continue into the mid-hundred's... and be unable to replace it at any price? Talk about the big one that got away!

Hoard now and hold on!
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Penny Collector Member

402 Posts

Posted - 05/19/2010 :  07:19:41  Show Profile  Send wheeler_dealer a Yahoo! Message Send wheeler_dealer a Private Message
Gold $1300.00 - $1650.00 per ounce will be the minimum range

Silver $20.00- $25.00 per ounce will be my guess

Copper $ per face value of penny the copper cent may be worth .03 -.05 cents each. The average citizen looking to diversify will
have to buy copper pennies from the Portland mint or Bank of HCBTT. Most copper pennies will be out of circulation.
I think you may see a shortage of or have difficulty in finding nickels by the end of 2013 also.

Socialism : Hmm. The U.S. govt (Taxpaying homeowner) already is backing 90% of the existing mortgages that were created through the no money down mortgages of the 1990's that are in trouble (Freddie and Fannie Mae) heard somewhere we keep pumping billions into these government entities. The economy sucks. Government motors still exists, AIG( America insurance by government- taxpayer). Social Security, medicaid, medicare broke. We have no Gold standard. No manufacturing base.
Think we might be socialist. I think we already are and no one wants to tell that "The emperor has no clothes".
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Penny Hoarding Member

572 Posts

Posted - 05/19/2010 :  13:02:12  Show Profile Send cptindy a Private Message
2013 economy...

Same as today, with higher food, higher gas higher PM's. Lower Real Estate lower electronics lower consumables.

Stronger movement toward one world currency or a new reserve currency at the foundation. A more outspoken conversation.

Still in Iraq, Still in Afghanistan.

Just beginning to see the consequences of the Gulf Oil Spill.

Political changes none for the better. All penetrated by bigger interests.

16 trillion National debt and counting.

Trouble beginning to brew in Africa over mining control.

Bin Laden still not found.

Global taxes on the tip of everyones tongue.

Pennies still available

Prices of PM's

Don't follow platinum

Gold $1800.00 to $2200

Silver $25.00-$35.00

Copper $5.00-$6.00

We are socialist based now.

"It is the nature of the human species to reject what is true but unpleasant and to embrace what is obviously false but comforting"

" The average man doesn't want to be free. He wants to be safe."

H.L. Mencken
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Lemon Thrower
1000+ Penny Miser Member

1588 Posts

Posted - 05/19/2010 :  13:31:31  Show Profile Send Lemon Thrower a Private Message
Originally posted by beauanderos

above ground stores of silver are already five times smaller than gold. As new applications increase this dwindling supply will quickly disappear until pricing mechanisms assert themselves to assure a continued supply, albeit at much higher prices. The CRIMEX boys will someday fail to suppress silver at that point and the shorts having to cover will send prices heavenward. I seriously will not consider selling bullion until at least $200 an ounce. Imagine how you would feel if you took a quick profit at $50 or $70, only to watch it continue into the mid-hundred's... and be unable to replace it at any price? Talk about the big one that got away!

i largely agree with you as to when to sell, although i don't have any number in mind. its really a question of whether i think pms are fairly valued and whether i would prefer something else, like FRN's or land. pm's have doubled in price in the last couple of years but i think they are more of a bargain now than they were before, because FRN's and land are worth less. so the number i have in my head is a moving target.

i agree that Gold to Silver ratio will some day compress, I just dont expect it to happen any time soon. it could certainly happen at any time, i just try not to think about it so i dont' get disappoinoted.

Peace/Morgan G+ at $15.00
copper cents at 1.3X
wheat pennies at 3X

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1000+ Penny Miser Member

2408 Posts

Posted - 05/19/2010 :  13:50:00  Show Profile Send beauanderos a Private Message
ah yes, disappointment So far today, I'm down $69,500. But there was a day last week when I was up more than that. Just gotta sit tight for the long haul and someday it'll be time to smile.

Hoard now and hold on!
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hobo finds
Penny Hoarding Member

838 Posts

Posted - 05/19/2010 :  14:27:52  Show Profile Send hobo finds a Private Message
Originally posted by cptindy

2013 economy...

Same as today, with higher food, higher gas higher PM's. Lower Real Estate lower electronics lower consumables.

Stronger movement toward one world currency or a new reserve currency at the foundation. A more outspoken conversation.

Still in Iraq, Still in Afghanistan.

Just beginning to see the consequences of the Gulf Oil Spill.

Political changes none for the better. All penetrated by bigger interests.

16 trillion National debt and counting.

Trouble beginning to brew in Africa over mining control.

Bin Laden still not found.

Global taxes on the tip of everyones tongue.

Pennies still available

Prices of PM's

Don't follow platinum

Gold $1800.00 to $2200

Silver $25.00-$35.00

Copper $5.00-$6.00

We are socialist based now.

We are almost at 13 trill now. You must be logged in to see this link.
It will be higher..

Edited by - hobo finds on 05/19/2010 14:29:05
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hobo finds
Penny Hoarding Member

838 Posts

Posted - 05/25/2010 :  22:01:16  Show Profile Send hobo finds a Private Message
13 trill before we sleep! Good night...
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