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Copper Catcher

2092 Posts

Posted - 01/20/2010 :  18:53:56  Show Profile Send Copper Catcher a Private Message
I recently had this DVD passed on to me to look at. It lays out a rather bleak and the worst case situation all based on most of society being killed by a worldwide pandemic. This causes the infrastructure as we know it to fail quickly. No electricity, no water, no food etc.

The description of the video:
What have past acts of destruction taught us about what will happen to mankind after the apocalypse? Is it inevitable that disaster will someday strike America on an unprecedented level? How has history prepared us? History's most dramatic events--Hiroshima, 9/11, Hurricane Katrina and others--are examined and analyzed with hard data gathered from their massive aftereffects. The disappearance of water and food supplies, the effects of deteriorated sanitation and health care on the remaining population, and the increased use of violence as a means of survival--all illustrate how societies have responded and survived

Do you think you can really plan for this type of an event and live a normal life in the process? If so, how do you prepare?

1000+ Penny Miser Member

2408 Posts

Posted - 01/20/2010 :  20:53:08  Show Profile Send beauanderos a Private Message
I expect that things are going to get really, really bad in this country in the next few years. The disparity between rich and poor is widening all the time. At some point the havenots will decide they want what the haves have and decide to take it. All hell will break loose at that time. I think we're much more likely to see widespread rioting/looting in this country, rather than a die-off from some mega-disaster. What am I doing to prepare? Every time I go shopping, I ask myself "what would I really miss, if I couldn't buy it anymore?" And then I buy half a dozen. Can you live a normal life while you're doing this? People will think you're a crazed packrat, but yes. If you defer the purchase of wants and consider preparedness items "must haves." Nickelless has posted tons of guides on what steps to take. You just need to prioritize and go slowly. No one will ever be totally prepared for everything that could happen. Guns, gold, God, and groceries, and don't tell others what you're doing, because when people get desperate they'll just take what they want from the ones who prepared, if they know where to look.

Hoard now and hold on!
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Posted - 01/20/2010 :  20:56:06  Show Profile Send kirkland a Private Message
Always be prepared - The Boy Scouts Motto
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