This is kind of a reverse method of using Ebay to buy coins. The buyer is the seller in the eyes of Ebay. Maybe an incentive to get coins and avoid bidding wars as the coin seller has no fees to pay other than shipping the coin. Hmmm, me thinks Ebay probably has some terms against this kind of arrangement?
How did you guys figure out he had 10 auction sold? I checked completed auctions and feedback and nothing suggests that. I was interested in the seller's angle of obtaining coins by allowing someone to to do a sort of buy-it-now sale to them. I could see running an auction like that for things as a means to fill a want list. You pay for the auction slot fee and any fees afterwards. The person sending the coins only has to pay shipping theoretically. You send them a check or money order. There is probably a problem where the other party could drag you through Ebay purgatory, but if you get the coins sent first to you, as long as your check or PayPal payment does not get scammed, it is a feasible way to encourage people to sell you their coins with less work on their part. Hence, maybe that encourages people to sell you for less than you would pay otherwise in general bidding auctions.