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Penny Hoarding Member
 669 Posts |
Posted - 10/11/2009 : 15:53:16
With the 95% Cu cent already nearing 200% of face value in copper, I am convinced the paper FRNs should be converted to copper pennies as fast as possible. Crazy as I am, once people around us wake up to the idea that you can arbitrage the face value (albeit illegally by melting) by the melt value of the copper cent, others will follow our lead. I want to convince my brother to start hoarding. He has the storage space and plenty of money just earning 0.5% in the bank. Convincing my wife that copper is a smart thing to collect is not winnable right now. She just sees pennies as dirty and lowly. I see two cents in copper for every penny though.
The problem with copper is the storage weight and space it takes up. Believe me, I could cheerfully set aside $XX,XXX of copper cents with all the kool-aid I have drunk now. I see no downside to copper unless all asset classes get hammered again. And that is the free lunch. YOU will have cash in the form of pennies waiting to buy assets on sale. I am gonna buy some crazy flavor kool-aid next.
1000+ Penny Miser Member

2212 Posts |
Posted - 10/11/2009 : 15:59:29
I believe that we all think the same as you but we all are limit by trying to get all the copper that we can. So then we just keep getting a little each day. And that is good. |
Penny Hoarding Member

669 Posts |
Posted - 10/11/2009 : 16:17:13
I go in spurts with my copper collecting. My big thing is I want to get my brother interested. He has more resources and I think he can see that our currency is sailing away from us. Heck, he knows more about economics than I but still can not figure out where to put his money. LOL. Well, until recently he just assumed all pennies were the zinc ones. When I still find nearly 30% yield on copper, I am not so sure he will do that bad either. All I need is to get him a Ryedale. Heck, get a few friends involved, maybe this could be a full-time thing..... |

721 Posts |
Posted - 10/11/2009 : 16:31:58
Check out You must be logged in to see this link.
This is a site (lead by a couple forum members) that can allow you to purchase pure copper without having to worry about the space since they handle storage. |
Ardent Listener

4841 Posts |
Posted - 10/11/2009 : 17:23:17
quote: Originally posted by barrytrot
Check out You must be logged in to see this link.
This is a site (lead by a couple forum members) that can allow you to purchase pure copper without having to worry about the space since they handle storage.
Welcome to the Portland Mint.
Your home for all your copper investing needs. We specialize in providing investment grade U.S. copper pennies. Both our product and our customer service are of unmatched quality.
Pennies minted in the United States prior to the middle of 1982 are composed of 95% pure copper and 5% zinc. As a result, a copper penny is worth considerably more than its face value. Because pennies are made by the U.S mint, they are guaranteed to have the utmost quality and purity. This also makes them easily recognizable, which increases their demand and liquidity. .
Copper pennies are an inexpensive and safe method of copper investment. Not only are they a commodity, due to their metal content, but they also are a currency. A single coin will never be worth less than face value, thus giving it a limited downside. Global demand for copper continues to rise, creating increased value for copper pennies.
With global demand at an all time high and copper being the building block of development, the price should continually rise. Copper Penny Tons in Inventory
Investment grade copper pennies are offered in the following increments 68 lb box $154.00 1 ton lots $3992 with storage available. We guarantee our copper products 100% backed by our inventory and are of the highest quality.
Copyright © Portland Mint 2009 | disclosure. Please read. All posts either by the members, moderators, and the administration of are for your edification and amusement only. It is not the intent of or its host to provide investment, medical, matrimonial, legal, security or tax advice and nothing posted here should be considered to be so. All rights reserved.
Think positive. |
Penny Hoarding Member

693 Posts |
Posted - 10/11/2009 : 18:55:22
We all seem to think alike or I suppose we would not be here. Keep in mind that copper cents have been "worth" more in the past when copper was at its peak. Later a copper cent was "worth" less than face. Any way you look at it the current price doesn't really matter with the current market conditions. As Hoard would say now is the time to hoard. Later is the time to sell. |
The first panacea for a mismanaged nation is inflation of the currency; second is war. Both bring a temporary (and false) prosperity; both bring a permanent ruin. But both are the refuge of political and economic opportunities. |

721 Posts |
Posted - 10/11/2009 : 19:14:35
And remember "copper bars" go for at least 2 times spot. So once you can melt think of each cent as 4 cents! |
Penny Collector Member

398 Posts |
Posted - 10/11/2009 : 19:28:26
If one truly believes that copper pennies are going to boom in price, and one has capital to invest, then the best option is to start buying from one of the heavy hitters. Otherwise one would need to invest considerable time and resources if one wished to take a sizable enough position to turn an impact profit. Due to economies of scale, our primary jobs certainly pay more per time than sorting. Portland Mint is selling coppers for about 1.35-1.4 X face value if you buy one ton lots. JobIII is always looking to sell at a similar price range and offers to deliver on any desired quantity. Slickeast and HCBTT produce a lot, but I do not know if they are selling. For myself, I am likely a low-mid-range hoarder. I am limited by time and gusto when it comes to setting up an extensive network of pick-up and dump banks to run very large volumes. I view this as more of a zero-cost hobby with upside. I get to search for wheats, IHP, random silver, etc. That opportunity would certainly be lost were I to buy copper cents from another, not to mention, I would lose on some of the arbritrage advantage by paying the premium for pre-sorted copper. |
Just my two cents! |

721 Posts |
Posted - 10/11/2009 : 20:00:12
quote: Originally posted by twocents
If one truly believes that copper pennies are going to boom in price, and one has capital to invest, then the best option is to start buying from one of the heavy hitters. Otherwise one would need to invest considerable time and resources if one wished to take a sizable enough position to turn an impact profit.
1. I believe that it will be a good investment but I may be wrong so I don't pay "too much" for copper since I invest in "knowledge" not in "belief". So I will pay a bit of a premium but not enough to get all I would like. And I would bet others with the "belief" are doing the same.
2. Sorting is also for fun! Remember that. Of course, our "day jobs" likely pay more but they also include negative stuff and time lines/stress. Sorting coins to most of us is a very calming activity!
3. "Impact Profit". It depends what you think that is. If you have "only" $10,000 face that's a profit of $30,000 (based on my 4x rule). That's not going to change a life but that definitely will change a day :) and probably a year! $10,000 face should fit in most garages and unlike your car which always goes down in value (unless you have a unique/classic type) the cents should go up! |
Copper Catcher

2092 Posts |
Posted - 10/11/2009 : 20:04:09
I'm just glad that I keep hearing folks say they are still averaging the economy gets worse, more pennies come out of hiding and into the bank and hopefully into our hands! |
1000+ Penny Miser Member

2533 Posts |
Posted - 10/11/2009 : 20:09:13
Now is not the time to be selling. The profits are minimal and once you figure in the time, you are not making much for your efforts. For the guys that are putting away large amounts of copper every week, they are doing it for the pay off in the long run. I try to maximize my purchases and dumps to make it as cost efficient as possible. I want to get as much copper as I can get in one cycle. A cycle being, pick-up, sort ,and dump. Unless your pick-up bank and dump bank are close by or on your daily commute then you should try a different approach. My opinion is, if you can only afford to pick up $100 a week, then wait and pick up $400 once a month. That makes for 1 trip instead of 4. Plus 1 dump instead of 4.
Now for those that are picking up $500.00 or more a week and it is best to do it weekly.
Everyone has to figure out a routine that works for them. I live in a small town and have to travel to my dump banks. So I try to do as much as I can while I am out. I dump the same morning that I pick-up. Think ahead, and plan your trips. No sense in wasting time and gas and cutting into future profits. |
You don't have to be the BEST you just have to be.......SLICK
Penny Pincher Member

187 Posts |
Posted - 10/11/2009 : 20:25:32
quote: Originally posted by Ardent Listener
quote: Originally posted by barrytrot
Check out You must be logged in to see this link.
This is a site (lead by a couple forum members) that can allow you to purchase pure copper without having to worry about the space since they handle storage.
Welcome to the Portland Mint.
Your home for all your copper investing needs. We specialize in providing investment grade U.S. copper pennies. Both our product and our customer service are of unmatched quality.
Pennies minted in the United States prior to the middle of 1982 are composed of 95% pure copper and 5% zinc. As a result, a copper penny is worth considerably more than its face value. Because pennies are made by the U.S mint, they are guaranteed to have the utmost quality and purity. This also makes them easily recognizable, which increases their demand and liquidity. .
Copper pennies are an inexpensive and safe method of copper investment. Not only are they a commodity, due to their metal content, but they also are a currency. A single coin will never be worth less than face value, thus giving it a limited downside. Global demand for copper continues to rise, creating increased value for copper pennies.
With global demand at an all time high and copper being the building block of development, the price should continually rise. Copper Penny Tons in Inventory
Investment grade copper pennies are offered in the following increments 68 lb box $154.00 1 ton lots $3992 with storage available. We guarantee our copper products 100% backed by our inventory and are of the highest quality.
Copyright © Portland Mint 2009
Wait... So you are the mystery owner. |
Copper Cent Hoarding Wiki
+637 posts |

6807 Posts |
Posted - 10/11/2009 : 21:10:31
Actually, the footprint of a ton of copper is suprisingly small.  |
If your percentages are low.. just sort more. If your percentages are high.. just sort more.
Now selling Copper pennies. 1.6x plus shipping. Limited amounts available. |
1000+ Penny Miser Member

2533 Posts |
Posted - 10/11/2009 : 21:27:08
quote: Originally posted by HoardCopperByTheTon
Actually, the footprint of a ton of copper is suprisingly small. 
I have buckets of pennies stored in various places, a 5 gallon bucket will hold around 180 -200 lbs of pennies depending on how much you shake it. So if you don't have a garage or have limited space, get creative. I know you have room in the back corner of a closet for a 5 or 2 1/2 gal bucket. Or even in the bottom of a kitchen cabinet, or under the bed. Reuse the penny boxes and store $25 at a time in small cubby holes.
I am a firm believer in having your PM's in your possession. |
You don't have to be the BEST you just have to be.......SLICK

6807 Posts |
Posted - 10/11/2009 : 21:45:43
And yes, I do occasionally sell off small quantities like $1000 face (20 bags), but I am not actively marketing. When you factor in the shipping cost of the Portland Mint's deal it brings it to $170 per 68 pounds.. which is certainly a fair price. I sell $100 face (a little over 68 pounds) for $160 including shipping. This also includes machine rolling of the copper cents. The priority flat rate package consistantly comes in at 69lbs, 11.4 ounces.. well below the max weight limit.. but your postman better love you.  |
If your percentages are low.. just sort more. If your percentages are high.. just sort more.
Now selling Copper pennies. 1.6x plus shipping. Limited amounts available. |
Penny Hoarding Member

672 Posts |
Posted - 10/11/2009 : 22:05:27
im in the same mindset as twocents. time is a very important factor. there are plenty of members here offering sorted cents at a decent price. i occassionally buy a couple lots to supplement my own sorting. its almost the same as it would cost by the time you figure all the trips and time spent sorting. but i do enjoy the thrill of opening rolls!
My reading of history convinces me that most bad government results from too much government. Thomas Jefferson
Penny Pincher Member

191 Posts |
Posted - 10/11/2009 : 22:41:18
I'm very, very far from a 'big time' hoarder so my comment may not be apropos ... however...
Being retired, my wife and I enjoy traveling short distances and visiting a variety of banks to get small quantities of rolls (gets us out of the house, doesn't require a lot of cash, and we don't use an inordinate amount of gas). Its certainly not cost effective compared with the excellent advice and methods of hoarding suggested by 'big guys' on the forum, but our very little hoard is growing, 1 penny at a time .
We hand sort penny rolls mostly, but also are hand sorting a small amount of nickels (that's my wife's favorite coin ). She recently found a 1943 P 40% silver war nickel . I'm also thinking there's a possibility that nickle as a metal will continue to rise in price (I think metal value currently is about 90% of face value for a US Jeff).
As someone else posted in this thread ... its a fun, relaxing hobby. For us, it doesn't cost much to enjoy and its a great hobby to have if one is living on a retirement fixed monthly income.
sheba |
woof ... wag ... whine |

3788 Posts |
Posted - 10/11/2009 : 23:00:05
or Ardent is good at cutting and pasting off websites. |
“The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore all progress depends on the unreasonable man.” – George Bernard Shaw. Why Copper Bullion ~~~ Interview with Silver Bullion Producer Market Harmony Passive Income blog |
Penny Pincher Member

187 Posts |
Posted - 10/12/2009 : 07:35:10
Oh yeah... DUH! |
Copper Cent Hoarding Wiki
+637 posts |
Penny Pincher Member

188 Posts |
Posted - 10/12/2009 : 09:04:53
IMHO - Statistically, you have a few years to continue to pull out 20-30% copper from the penny population. the first ten or so boxes I did, I paid very close attention to the percentages, now it just seems that I get about 1 box of coppers for every three boxes that I sort. I store all my coppers in weighed, 15 pound lots, in the brinks boxes., I put 12 brinks boxes, in a Staples letter size paper box and cut it down to size. Stack them 2 high. I try to average two boxes a night. But, I also sort out the RB pre 1982 into a coffee can, the Canadians, the wheaties and the RDst zinc into other coffee cans. Those will be placed in 2,500 loose lots in Brinks boxes and vacuum sealed, except the wheaties and Canadians. I do not think I will save more than 10 boxes of RD Zincolns, but, what the heck. I have a goal of sorting out 3-4 tons of coppers and no interest in selling any until the price hits $6.00+ per pound of pennies. I sorted silver years ago, and sold it way too soon, I will try not to make the same mistake with copper cents. |
1000+ Penny Miser Member

2648 Posts |
Posted - 10/12/2009 : 10:42:59
quote: Originally posted by jtm3
quote: Originally posted by Ardent Listener
quote: Originally posted by barrytrot
Check out You must be logged in to see this link.
This is a site (lead by a couple forum members) that can allow you to purchase pure copper without having to worry about the space since they handle storage.
Welcome to the Portland Mint.
Your home for all your copper investing needs. We specialize in providing investment grade U.S. copper pennies. Both our product and our customer service are of unmatched quality.
Pennies minted in the United States prior to the middle of 1982 are composed of 95% pure copper and 5% zinc. As a result, a copper penny is worth considerably more than its face value. Because pennies are made by the U.S mint, they are guaranteed to have the utmost quality and purity. This also makes them easily recognizable, which increases their demand and liquidity. .
Copper pennies are an inexpensive and safe method of copper investment. Not only are they a commodity, due to their metal content, but they also are a currency. A single coin will never be worth less than face value, thus giving it a limited downside. Global demand for copper continues to rise, creating increased value for copper pennies.
With global demand at an all time high and copper being the building block of development, the price should continually rise. Copper Penny Tons in Inventory
Investment grade copper pennies are offered in the following increments 68 lb box $154.00 1 ton lots $3992 with storage available. We guarantee our copper products 100% backed by our inventory and are of the highest quality.
Copyright © Portland Mint 2009
Wait... So you are the mystery owner.
No, I am the owner of The Portland Mint
As of today my current sell price for 1 ton of copper is $0.0135 per penny. I am the first one to offer a buy back for the copper and also store it for you.
Hoard you may sell your 68# boxes a little cheaper (right now) than I do, but you also pull out the wheats...I dont
Copper Penny Investing |
Edited by - highroller4321 on 10/12/2009 10:53:38 |
1000+ Penny Miser Member

2648 Posts |
Posted - 10/12/2009 : 10:47:36
quote: Originally posted by 2old
IMHO - Statistically, you have a few years to continue to pull out 20-30% copper from the penny population. the first ten or so boxes I did, I paid very close attention to the percentages, now it just seems that I get about 1 box of coppers for every three boxes that I sort. I store all my coppers in weighed, 15 pound lots, in the brinks boxes., I put 12 brinks boxes, in a Staples letter size paper box and cut it down to size. Stack them 2 high. I try to average two boxes a night. But, I also sort out the RB pre 1982 into a coffee can, the Canadians, the wheaties and the RDst zinc into other coffee cans. Those will be placed in 2,500 loose lots in Brinks boxes and vacuum sealed, except the wheaties and Canadians. I do not think I will save more than 10 boxes of RD Zincolns, but, what the heck. I have a goal of sorting out 3-4 tons of coppers and no interest in selling any until the price hits $6.00+ per pound of pennies. I sorted silver years ago, and sold it way too soon, I will try not to make the same mistake with copper cents.
This may or not be true. If the composition changes in 2010 or 2011 or the melt ban comes off copper pennies will disapear FAST! When the melt ban comes off you are going to get industrial sorters into the game right away. We already saw this happen before the melt ban with Jackson Metals. I believe that the copper % could drop below 5% within 4-6 months of the melt ban or composition changing. |
Copper Penny Investing |
1000+ Penny Miser Member

2648 Posts |
Posted - 10/12/2009 : 10:51:12
quote: Originally posted by JerrySpringer
I go in spurts with my copper collecting. My big thing is I want to get my brother interested. He has more resources and I think he can see that our currency is sailing away from us. Heck, he knows more about economics than I but still can not figure out where to put his money. LOL. Well, until recently he just assumed all pennies were the zinc ones. When I still find nearly 30% yield on copper, I am not so sure he will do that bad either. All I need is to get him a Ryedale. Heck, get a few friends involved, maybe this could be a full-time thing.....
That is good that you are teaching your brother about the copper penny. If you are having trouble convincing him I would take him to websites like You must be logged in to see this link. and differnt places that sell copper (like mine ) to show him that this is a legitimant investment. The best part about this investment is that you have a limited downside because the penny is always going to be worth at least a penny. |
Copper Penny Investing |
Penny Pincher Member

188 Posts |
Posted - 10/12/2009 : 11:33:13
quote: Originally posted by highroller4321
quote: Originally posted by 2old
IMHO - Statistically, you have a few years to continue to pull out 20-30% copper from the penny population. the first ten or so boxes I did, I paid very close attention to the percentages, now it just seems that I get about 1 box of coppers for every three boxes that I sort. I store all my coppers in weighed, 15 pound lots, in the brinks boxes., I put 12 brinks boxes, in a Staples letter size paper box and cut it down to size. Stack them 2 high. I try to average two boxes a night. But, I also sort out the RB pre 1982 into a coffee can, the Canadians, the wheaties and the RDst zinc into other coffee cans. Those will be placed in 2,500 loose lots in Brinks boxes and vacuum sealed, except the wheaties and Canadians. I do not think I will save more than 10 boxes of RD Zincolns, but, what the heck. I have a goal of sorting out 3-4 tons of coppers and no interest in selling any until the price hits $6.00+ per pound of pennies. I sorted silver years ago, and sold it way too soon, I will try not to make the same mistake with copper cents.
This may or not be true. If the composition changes in 2010 or 2011 or the melt ban comes off copper pennies will disappear FAST! When the melt ban comes off you are going to get industrial sorters into the game right away. We already saw this happen before the melt ban with Jackson Metals. I believe that the copper % could drop below 5% within 4-6 months of the melt ban or composition changing.
You are correct, it may or may not be true. However, that is my pace and I can not do much about it. (maybe I do not want to do anything about it.) It is kind of like the turtle and the rabbit. I am curious what you mean by changing the composition in 2010/2011. You thinking plastic? The new ones are pretty crappy and the copper spraying they are giving them is not holding up.
__________________________________________ Everyone wants to go to Heaven, nobody wants to die. |
Penny Pincher Member

187 Posts |
Posted - 10/12/2009 : 11:49:23
quote: Originally posted by highroller4321
quote: Originally posted by 2old
IMHO - Statistically, you have a few years to continue to pull out 20-30% copper from the penny population. the first ten or so boxes I did, I paid very close attention to the percentages, now it just seems that I get about 1 box of coppers for every three boxes that I sort. I store all my coppers in weighed, 15 pound lots, in the brinks boxes., I put 12 brinks boxes, in a Staples letter size paper box and cut it down to size. Stack them 2 high. I try to average two boxes a night. But, I also sort out the RB pre 1982 into a coffee can, the Canadians, the wheaties and the RDst zinc into other coffee cans. Those will be placed in 2,500 loose lots in Brinks boxes and vacuum sealed, except the wheaties and Canadians. I do not think I will save more than 10 boxes of RD Zincolns, but, what the heck. I have a goal of sorting out 3-4 tons of coppers and no interest in selling any until the price hits $6.00+ per pound of pennies. I sorted silver years ago, and sold it way too soon, I will try not to make the same mistake with copper cents.
This may or not be true. If the composition changes in 2010 or 2011 or the melt ban comes off copper pennies will disapear FAST! When the melt ban comes off you are going to get industrial sorters into the game right away. We already saw this happen before the melt ban with Jackson Metals. I believe that the copper % could drop below 5% within 4-6 months of the melt ban or composition changing.
The melt ban may be protecting our interests, but it is still tyrannical control of our money. |
Copper Cent Hoarding Wiki
+637 posts |

6807 Posts |
Posted - 10/12/2009 : 13:04:36
Highroller.. I don't pull out that many wheats.. but all the Indians. And my packages actually contain a little over 69 pounds of copper. More than makes up for a few missing wheats. If you run your 68 pound bag through one of your high speed counters, you will find it comes up short of 10,000. Sure I'm a little cheaper than you. I would like to be higher than you.. but you have 8 times the inventory I do and you set the market. Also, I offer free machine rolling on my lots.  |
If your percentages are low.. just sort more. If your percentages are high.. just sort more.
Now selling Copper pennies. 1.6x plus shipping. Limited amounts available. |
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