I have been having computer problems, but have found this and wanted to see what ya'll think of it, and what it might be worth.
The silver [is] mine, and the gold [is] mine, saith the LORD of hosts. Hag 2:8 [/b] He created it. He controls it. He gave it to us for His use. Why did we turn from sound scriptural currency that PROTECTS us?
I'm with magnasort, it looks like one heck of a grease strike.
I'd guess you might get $1 to $5 for it if you shopped it around to coin dealers, but that's just a guess. EBAY will get you the best price if you put it up for bid.
I concur on the struck through grease theory too. If you want advice or info on error coins, one of our local dealers specializes in them. You might find more info on this error, or contact them to get an idea of it's retail value.
Thanks guys I really appreciate the feedback and link!
The silver [is] mine, and the gold [is] mine, saith the LORD of hosts. Hag 2:8 [/b] He created it. He controls it. He gave it to us for His use. Why did we turn from sound scriptural currency that PROTECTS us?
Probably not from wear since the rim is fairly intack. For more info you should check out You must be logged in to see this link. There they will tell you for sure about that coin. If you want to get rid of it, your best bet is ebay for sure. At coin shows lately there are many dealers that specialize in error coins since error coin collectors are increasing.